
array(5) { ["expand"]=> string(82) "renderedFields,names,schema,operations,editmeta,changelog,versionedRepresentations" ["id"]=> string(5) "10978" ["self"]=> string(64) "" ["key"]=> string(6) "AS-728" ["fields"]=> array(45) { ["issuetype"]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(68) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "10006" ["description"]=> string(65) "A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product." ["iconUrl"]=> string(107) "" ["name"]=> string(3) "Bug" ["subtask"]=> bool(false) ["avatarId"]=> int(10303) } ["components"]=> array(0) { } ["timespent"]=> NULL ["timeoriginalestimate"]=> NULL ["description"]=> string(737) "Hello, The customer wishes to use the additional demand for branches to cover a special client orders for huge amount of the money. Unfortunately, CCO 6.3665 fulfill it only about 10% of necessary amount. With respect to the manual and knowing that it is up to CCO to decide if the branch balance is sufficient, the automated order is not sufficient. Based on it the log was checked and it seems to me that there is a bug. User interface show the amount with the decimal, but in the logs we see the amount divided by 100. It can be the root cause. Please, let me know if this is the known bug of the obsolete CCO version or explain the behavior. I am attaching 4 pictures that should explain it. Thanks in advance. " ["project"]=> array(6) { ["self"]=> string(66) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "10000" ["key"]=> string(2) "AS" ["name"]=> string(15) "Awesome Support" ["projectTypeKey"]=> string(8) "software" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(77) "" ["24x24"]=> string(88) "" ["16x16"]=> string(89) "" ["32x32"]=> string(89) "" } } ["fixVersions"]=> array(0) { } ["aggregatetimespent"]=> NULL ["resolution"]=> NULL ["timetracking"]=> array(0) { } ["customfield_10203"]=> NULL ["aggregatetimeestimate"]=> NULL ["resolutiondate"]=> NULL ["workratio"]=> int(-1) ["summary"]=> string(118) "WP Ticket MISR – Additional demand – possible bug in the decimal of the additional demand – CCO 6.3665 - ID 5679" ["lastViewed"]=> NULL ["watches"]=> array(3) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["watchCount"]=> int(1) ["isWatching"]=> bool(true) } ["creator"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["subtasks"]=> array(0) { } ["created"]=> string(28) "2024-07-18T11:23:18.000+0200" ["reporter"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["customfield_10000"]=> string(2577) "{[summary={[overall=PullRequestOverallBean{stateCount=0, state='OPEN', details=PullRequestOverallDetails{openCount=0, mergedCount=0, declinedCount=0}},byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.BuildOverallBean@6531ce[failedBuildCount=0,successfulBuildCount=0,unknownBuildCount=0,count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.ReviewsOverallBean@62d89b88[stateCount=0,state=,dueDate=,overDue=false,count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.DeploymentOverallBean@7bf51ac[topEnvironments=[],showProjects=false,successfulCount=0,count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.CommitOverallBean@49cd3f87[count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.BranchOverallBean@754930c1[count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}]},errors=[],configErrors=[]], devSummaryJson={"cachedValue":{"errors":[],"configErrors":[],"summary":{"pullrequest":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"stateCount":0,"state":"OPEN","details":{"openCount":0,"mergedCount":0,"declinedCount":0,"total":0},"open":true},"byInstanceType":{}},"build":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"failedBuildCount":0,"successfulBuildCount":0,"unknownBuildCount":0},"byInstanceType":{}},"review":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"stateCount":0,"state":null,"dueDate":null,"overDue":false,"completed":false},"byInstanceType":{}},"deployment-environment":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"topEnvironments":[],"showProjects":false,"successfulCount":0},"byInstanceType":{}},"repository":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null},"byInstanceType":{}},"branch":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null},"byInstanceType":{}}}},"isStale":false}}" ["aggregateprogress"]=> array(2) { ["progress"]=> int(0) ["total"]=> int(0) } ["priority"]=> array(4) { ["self"]=> string(63) "" ["iconUrl"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(4) "High" ["id"]=> string(1) "2" } ["customfield_10100"]=> string(9) "0|i001n3:" ["customfield_10101"]=> NULL ["customfield_10200"]=> string(69) "" ["customfield_10102"]=> NULL ["customfield_10201"]=> string(9) "Jaroslava" ["customfield_10300"]=> string(68) "" ["labels"]=> array(0) { } ["customfield_10202"]=> string(10) "Hasnedlova" ["environment"]=> NULL ["timeestimate"]=> NULL ["aggregatetimeoriginalestimate"]=> NULL ["versions"]=> array(0) { } ["duedate"]=> NULL ["progress"]=> array(2) { ["progress"]=> int(0) ["total"]=> int(0) } ["comment"]=> array(4) { ["comments"]=> array(5) { [0]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11269" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(526) "*Axel Gabe* ---- Hello, no, this is correct: the add_demand_2 tells that is a 1.000.000 bills of EGP 100 which is just the value in add_demand_1. I have tested with another cashpoint which contains (by accident?) another add_demand: cashpoint 696 on June 11th: If one makes EGP 200 critical and extends the insurance limit appropriately the planner generates on June 10th for June 11th a service which fits to that (i. e. those two aspects might have affected your case as well). With kind regards Axel Gabe" ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2024-07-22T17:34:39.000+0200" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2024-07-22T17:34:39.000+0200" } [1]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11270" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(211) "*Jaroslava Hasnedlova* Thank you very much, Axel. The problem with the critical denomination I realized, but I forgot about the insurance limit. The insurance limit will be the root cause of this problem. " ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2024-07-22T17:39:58.000+0200" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2024-07-26T18:25:18.000+0200" } [2]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11274" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(605) "*Jaroslava Hasnedlova* Hi Axel, I tested your case for CP 696 on June 11th and it works for me (using the same DB you have). Unfortunately I tried to make the additional demand (CP 696) also for June 12th for 40000000 EGP by 200 bill (200 are critical and insurrance limit set to 450000000) and it doesn't work for me (simTime = 11/06, 9:59:59). Same issue I faced for additional demand on CP 103 on June 16 (simTime = 14/6). Please, can you explain me what I am doing badly. The customer has the same issue. The insurance limit and critical denomination are satisfied. Thanks for your help." ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2024-07-24T14:45:30.000+0200" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2024-07-26T18:25:18.000+0200" } [3]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11275" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(74) "*Jaroslava Hasnedlova* Attaching printscreens and log from my env.. " ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2024-07-24T14:48:52.000+0200" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2024-07-26T18:25:19.000+0200" } [4]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11280" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(6375) "*Axel Gabe* ---- Hello, I followed your instructions and, of course, it worked for me. Astonishingly your log deviates from mine after the scheduler starts. Your log: 12:12:42,205 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] {696} Scheduler: creating orders, today: 11.06.2024 12:12:42,270 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] {696} SetWarning: creating warnings, mode: Live, today: 11.06.2024 12:12:42,276 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] Warning (WARN|SHTRNG, 11.06.2024 21:23:23), uid=(1,24486), cpid=24486: Inventory exceeds the capacity until next planned service on 06/12/2024. 12:12:42,289 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] Warning (WARN|INVLOW, 11.06.2024 21:23:23), uid=(1,24486), cpid=24486: Inventory level exceeds insurance limit. 12:12:42,303 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] cashpoint with cpid=#24486 updated by user='SYSTEM' 12:12:42,306 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] cashpoint info: 12:12:42,312 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] ----------------------- 12:12:42,316 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] uid=24486, bank=MISR, id=696, location=وكالة صالة الوصول بميناء قسطل البري, type=5, state=0, mode=3, short location=Branch, general ledger account=, alias=696, seal status=0, seal date=1970-01-01 02:00:00.0 12:12:42,317 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] ----------------------- 12:12:42,339 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] Warning (WARN|SHTRNG, 11.06.2024 09:59:59), uid=(1,24486), cpid=24486: Inventory range not sufficient until next planned service on 06/13/2024: EGP 200 12:12:42,384 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] Cashpoint status updated. 12:12:42,437 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] Cashpoint status updated. 12:12:42,446 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (default task-11) [MISR] [696] leaving Core Engine (thread 161) for client: MISR, exit code=0 My log: 15:02:57,953 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] {696} Scheduler: creating orders, today: 11.06.2024 15:02:58,007 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] scheduled order for cashpoint 696, mode:Live, order day:06/11/2024, execution:12.06.2024 07:00:00 15:02:58,220 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] new order: 15:02:58,223 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] No.:        1945312 (Wed 06/12/2024, 07:00 AM) Type:       Regular 15:02:58,225 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Cashpoints: 696                               Shortcut:    Branch 15:02:58,233 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Location:  وكالة صالة الوصول بميناء قسطل البري 15:02:58,236 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] State:    planned 15:02:58,238 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Mode:    Top-Up 15:02:58,240 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] CIT cashpool order:    No 15:02:58,242 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Container    Denom.                   Shipin                  Shipout 15:02:58,244 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] 1           200 EGP  40,100,000.00  (200500)           0.00       (0) 15:02:58,246 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] 2           100 EGP           0.00       (0)     150,000.00    (1500) 15:02:58,254 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] 3            50 EGP      25,000.00     (500)           0.00       (0) 15:02:58,256 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] 7             1 EGP           0.00       (0)           0.00       (0) 15:02:58,259 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696]                      40,125,000.00               150,000.00 15:02:58,710 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] {696} SetWarning: creating warnings, mode: Live, today: 11.06.2024 15:02:58,737 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Warning (WARN|SHTRNG, 11.06.2024 21:23:23), uid=(1,24486), cpid=24486: Inventory exceeds the capacity until next possible service on 06/12/2024. 15:02:58,785 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Warning (WARN|INVLOW, 11.06.2024 21:23:23), uid=(1,24486), cpid=24486: Inventory level exceeds insurance limit. 15:02:58,843 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] cashpoint with cpid=#24486 updated by user='SYSTEM' 15:02:58,849 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] cashpoint info: 15:02:58,852 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] ----------------------- 15:02:58,854 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] uid=24486, bank=MISR, id=696, location=وكالة صالة الوصول بميناء قسطل البري, type=5, state=1, mode=3, short location=Branch, general ledger account=, alias=696, seal status=0, seal date=1970-01-01 02:00:00.0 15:02:58,856 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] ----------------------- 15:02:58,974 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Warning (WARN|SHTRNG, 11.06.2024 09:29:00), uid=(1,24486), cpid=24486: Inventory range not sufficient until next possible service on 06/12/2024: EGP 200 EGP 50 15:02:59,265 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Cashpoint status updated. 15:02:59,892 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] Cashpoint status updated. 15:02:59,967 INFO  [cco.core.planner] (http-worker task-4) [DIAGNOS1] [696] leaving Core Engine (thread 186) for client: DIAGNOS1, exit code=0 You can see: On my system it generates a service, and the values are reasonable  " ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2024-07-26T18:25:18.000+0200" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2024-07-26T18:25:18.000+0200" } } ["maxResults"]=> int(5) ["total"]=> int(5) ["startAt"]=> int(0) } ["issuelinks"]=> array(0) { } ["votes"]=> array(3) { ["self"]=> string(71) "" ["votes"]=> int(0) ["hasVoted"]=> bool(false) } ["worklog"]=> array(4) { ["startAt"]=> int(0) ["maxResults"]=> int(20) ["total"]=> int(0) ["worklogs"]=> array(0) { } } ["assignee"]=> NULL ["updated"]=> string(28) "2024-07-26T18:25:20.000+0200" ["status"]=> array(6) { ["self"]=> string(61) "" ["description"]=> string(69) "This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee." ["iconUrl"]=> string(78) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "In Progress" ["id"]=> string(1) "3" ["statusCategory"]=> array(5) { ["self"]=> string(69) "" ["id"]=> int(4) ["key"]=> string(13) "indeterminate" ["colorName"]=> string(6) "yellow" ["name"]=> string(11) "In Progress" } } } }
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