
array(5) { ["expand"]=> string(82) "renderedFields,names,schema,operations,editmeta,changelog,versionedRepresentations" ["id"]=> string(5) "11040" ["self"]=> string(64) "" ["key"]=> string(6) "AS-790" ["fields"]=> array(45) { ["issuetype"]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(68) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "10002" ["description"]=> string(61) "An improvement or enhancement to an existing feature or task." ["iconUrl"]=> string(107) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "Improvement" ["subtask"]=> bool(false) ["avatarId"]=> int(10310) } ["components"]=> array(0) { } ["timespent"]=> NULL ["timeoriginalestimate"]=> NULL ["description"]=> string(4359) "Even after the move to the new Production environment, we have 22 devices with the error message: *The planning was aborted because the set maximum planning time of 90 minutes was exceeded**. * We need to have these planned succesfully as well. Please take a look at those, to make it work. The list of devices:
<table width="313">
<td width="57">Name</td>
<td width="256">Location</td>
<td width="57">T67122</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2511 BH, Grote Markt 5-7, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67122.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2511 BH, Grote Markt 5-7, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67057</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2511 BH, Grote Markt 5-7, S GRAVENHAGE</td>
<td width="57">T67057.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2511 BH, Grote Markt 5-7, S GRAVENHAGE</td>
<td width="57">T69330</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2511 BH, Grote Markt 5-7, S GRAVENHAGE</td>
<td width="57">T67112</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2553 DA, Thomas Mannsingel 24, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67112.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2553 DA, Thomas Mannsingel 24, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67113</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2553 DA, Thomas Mannsingel 24, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67113.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2553 DA, Thomas Mannsingel 24, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67062</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2582 BE, Frederik Hendriklaan 80, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T67062.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2582 BE, Frederik Hendriklaan 80, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T69389</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2582 BE, Frederik Hendriklaan 80, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">T69391</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 2582 BE, Frederik Hendriklaan 80, DEN HAAG</td>
<td width="57">N67052</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N67052.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N67053</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N67053.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N67054</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N67054.M</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N69544</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N69545</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
<td width="57">N69546</td>
<td width="256">Albert Heijn, 6042 EJ, Schaarbroekerweg 14, ROERMOND</td>
</table> " ["project"]=> array(6) { ["self"]=> string(66) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "10000" ["key"]=> string(2) "AS" ["name"]=> string(15) "Awesome Support" ["projectTypeKey"]=> string(8) "software" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(77) "" ["24x24"]=> string(88) "" ["16x16"]=> string(89) "" ["32x32"]=> string(89) "" } } ["fixVersions"]=> array(0) { } ["aggregatetimespent"]=> NULL ["resolution"]=> NULL ["timetracking"]=> array(0) { } ["customfield_10203"]=> NULL ["aggregatetimeestimate"]=> NULL ["resolutiondate"]=> NULL ["workratio"]=> int(-1) ["summary"]=> string(40) "WP Ticket Time out in Planning - ID 6240" ["lastViewed"]=> NULL ["watches"]=> array(3) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["watchCount"]=> int(1) ["isWatching"]=> bool(true) } ["creator"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["subtasks"]=> array(0) { } ["created"]=> string(28) "2025-01-10T11:30:42.000+0100" ["reporter"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["customfield_10000"]=> string(2580) "{[summary={[overall=PullRequestOverallBean{stateCount=0, state='OPEN', details=PullRequestOverallDetails{openCount=0, mergedCount=0, declinedCount=0}},byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.BuildOverallBean@2313ea58[failedBuildCount=0,successfulBuildCount=0,unknownBuildCount=0,count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.ReviewsOverallBean@6aba8b7e[stateCount=0,state=,dueDate=,overDue=false,count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.DeploymentOverallBean@3d64e13b[topEnvironments=[],showProjects=false,successfulCount=0,count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.CommitOverallBean@1eca05ad[count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}],[overall=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.devstatus.summary.beans.BranchOverallBean@493ad82f[count=0,lastUpdated=,lastUpdatedTimestamp=],byInstanceType={}]},errors=[],configErrors=[]], devSummaryJson={"cachedValue":{"errors":[],"configErrors":[],"summary":{"pullrequest":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"stateCount":0,"state":"OPEN","details":{"openCount":0,"mergedCount":0,"declinedCount":0,"total":0},"open":true},"byInstanceType":{}},"build":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"failedBuildCount":0,"successfulBuildCount":0,"unknownBuildCount":0},"byInstanceType":{}},"review":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"stateCount":0,"state":null,"dueDate":null,"overDue":false,"completed":false},"byInstanceType":{}},"deployment-environment":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null,"topEnvironments":[],"showProjects":false,"successfulCount":0},"byInstanceType":{}},"repository":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null},"byInstanceType":{}},"branch":{"overall":{"count":0,"lastUpdated":null},"byInstanceType":{}}}},"isStale":false}}" ["aggregateprogress"]=> array(2) { ["progress"]=> int(0) ["total"]=> int(0) } ["priority"]=> array(4) { ["self"]=> string(63) "" ["iconUrl"]=> string(76) "" ["name"]=> string(6) "Medium" ["id"]=> string(1) "3" } ["customfield_10100"]=> string(9) "0|i0020v:" ["customfield_10101"]=> NULL ["customfield_10200"]=> string(69) "" ["customfield_10102"]=> NULL ["customfield_10201"]=> string(7) "Michael" ["customfield_10300"]=> string(68) "" ["labels"]=> array(0) { } ["customfield_10202"]=> string(11) "van Renssen" ["environment"]=> NULL ["timeestimate"]=> NULL ["aggregatetimeoriginalestimate"]=> NULL ["versions"]=> array(0) { } ["duedate"]=> NULL ["progress"]=> array(2) { ["progress"]=> int(0) ["total"]=> int(0) } ["comment"]=> array(4) { ["comments"]=> array(2) { [0]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11494" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(854) "*Axel Gabe* ---- Hello Michael, have you tried to calibrate according to the document which I provided to you last year (it is still available under CCO-5744)? In addition to that:
  • For the group 'Grote Markt 5-7' I would reduce the planning horizon, maybe down to half. I estimate this will reduce the computing time considerably. Everything beyond that horizon isn't reliable anyway.
  • Frederik Hendriklaan 80: This one needs higher values for moveInNextServiceDays and pruning as all of the cashpoints run fairly slowly.
  • Roermond I still need to have a look
Side note: The move to the production server may help for the overall performance but not for specific groups which take too much computation time. I hope nobody on our side has raised this expectation. With kind regards Axel Gabe" ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2025-01-13T14:56:20.000+0100" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2025-01-13T14:56:20.000+0100" } [1]=> array(7) { ["self"]=> string(78) "" ["id"]=> string(5) "11499" ["author"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["body"]=> string(702) "*Axel Gabe* ---- Hello Michael, apparently the changes go in the right direction as several of these groups worked today. I have changed the test environment such that one can manually plan there again, e. g. in order to calibrate cashpoints (I tried with Frederik Hendriklaan 8, with higher settings for moveInServiceDays and pruning: that worked although it took quite some time) One additional hint: For groups with only long-runners you should also consider removing some of the service days (e. g. admit only Mo - We - Fri). You loose very little in money for that but the computation time can decrease drastically. With kind regards Axel Gabe" ["updateAuthor"]=> array(8) { ["self"]=> string(74) "" ["name"]=> string(7) "support" ["key"]=> string(13) "JIRAUSER10200" ["emailAddress"]=> string(20) "" ["avatarUrls"]=> array(4) { ["48x48"]=> string(74) "" ["24x24"]=> string(74) "" ["16x16"]=> string(74) "" ["32x32"]=> string(74) "" } ["displayName"]=> string(22) "Planfocus Support Team" ["active"]=> bool(true) ["timeZone"]=> string(13) "Europe/Berlin" } ["created"]=> string(28) "2025-01-15T17:01:09.000+0100" ["updated"]=> string(28) "2025-01-15T17:01:09.000+0100" } } ["maxResults"]=> int(2) ["total"]=> int(2) ["startAt"]=> int(0) } ["issuelinks"]=> array(0) { } ["votes"]=> array(3) { ["self"]=> string(71) "" ["votes"]=> int(0) ["hasVoted"]=> bool(false) } ["worklog"]=> array(4) { ["startAt"]=> int(0) ["maxResults"]=> int(20) ["total"]=> int(0) ["worklogs"]=> array(0) { } } ["assignee"]=> NULL ["updated"]=> string(28) "2025-01-15T17:01:10.000+0100" ["status"]=> array(6) { ["self"]=> string(61) "" ["description"]=> string(69) "This issue is being actively worked on at the moment by the assignee." ["iconUrl"]=> string(78) "" ["name"]=> string(11) "In Progress" ["id"]=> string(1) "3" ["statusCategory"]=> array(5) { ["self"]=> string(69) "" ["id"]=> int(4) ["key"]=> string(13) "indeterminate" ["colorName"]=> string(6) "yellow" ["name"]=> string(11) "In Progress" } } } }
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